Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Killin' it

Great outfit, terrible time photographing it! 

Shirt: 7 for all Mankind from Loehmann's
Suspenders: H&M
Skirt: Urban Outfitters from Gabes
Bralette: Free People
Boots: Vintage!

Try'na get artsy! 

Okay, really really try'na get artsy! Haha, look at dem shadows! I love this outfit even though tights are a pain in the ass to wear all day! I absolutely love wearing suspenders with skirts! So interesting and completely unnecessary!

Killin' it

Monday, October 22, 2012

Got my heart in a silver cage

Wow, blogger is being weird. Okay, so this shirt I thought was one of the most hideous things I'd ever seen. My mom mailed it to me with this other skirt (I'm sure, intended to be worn together) and I felt bad because it was expensive and soft and I would have like to wear it... except, ew. 
That was until I watched the movie "Cracks" with Eva Green. She flounces through the whole movie wearing slinky tank tops just like this one, except colorful and printed. SHE LOOKED LIKE HEAVEN. until the end when she just looses it. 
So, naturally, if Eva Green looks good in it, it must look good on me too. I decided to give the shirt a try and wore it simply with the black jeans, and a sparkly purple cardigan. I tried to make my voice gravely like Eva's, but to no avail. I still thought I pulled her look off. (right, like anybody can do that, her look is all her own, and she pulls it off wonderfully)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Good artists copy, the great ones steal...

This was my inspiration. I copied it pretty much the best I could and then added the earrings.
So, maybe I wasn't looking quite as pirate-like as that girl. I kinda feel like a cheat because I would have never thought to wear this combination on my own, but I guess that is why I look to fashion and street style blogs and websites... for inspiration...and hey, maybe I already own similar pieces in that look. I feel like I'm stealing other people's looks all the time, but hey, is anything truly original and completely not created from or of something else? nah. If it looks good, wear it.

I read somewhere that if you write the word sex into things, it brings more views to your page. sex sex sex sexxx. alright, probs more views from pseudo porn sites but whatevs, let's give it a try : )

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bowtie? Check.

Only now, while androgyny is in style, can I get away with this and have people telling me how fashionable I look. My family would probably just tell me how I look "butch" and "manly", but they don't understand. I don't dress this way to look like a lesbian, I dress this way because it is fashionable and because I like to look as androgynous as is possible for me. Sorry fam, there are better ways of looking like a lesbian. Granted, not many.

sorry about the beaming eyes in the closet, it's just my running shoes, I guess they were at just the right angle to catch the flash.
Also, do the way suspenders cross in the back irk you if not done right? See, mine are crossing too low and it is bugging me. Just wondering if this is just me.
What I mean to say is that my family is by no means uber fashionable, much less do they know what is fashionable. Also they think that lesbians are supposed to look butch-like. Yeah, apparently we live in the stone age. Sooo glad I don't live at home!

Haha, ignore the mess around me, I was having trouble getting pics that looked good this day and was playing around with different settings.

So, androgynous dressing is in style. I just read in the NYTimes how the guy who just took over designing at Yves Saint Laurent was designing at Dior Homme (menswear) in the early 2000s and started the skinny pants trend for both men and women. With menswear. Cool huh? apparently he was irked that his designs were being worn or replicated by and for women. rat. 
Well, I'm sorry to say my womanly assets do not lend well to the androgynous frame, but I still think I look strapping. 
Androgyny rules!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hello Fall!

Well, if that outfit aint a beauty! Can you believe I found that jacket in the free box? Yeah, free wool jacket in the perfect color for this season. Who gives jems like this away to strangers for free?! Granted, it was from the thrift store (tag still on it) and had some teensy bleach stains on the elbow, but still! The tank top was also free, the skirt h&m and the boots vintage. The beautiful faux diamond necklace was from the roaming flea market of philly.
These photos were clearly not taken in my room. I am not this clean. Isn't my friend, Gabrielle's room so neat and cute! Love it!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

New Mexican hipster...they exist?

 Remember when it was warm?
yeah, this post might be a little late, sorry yoes. watch to beat the winter blues
I was going to say "I swear I was happy this day!" But then I remembered that I wasn't. I think the only thing I liked about this day was running around to class without a bra and for once really not giving a damn or being conscience of it. Like I have anything to worry about :/
Also, my friend greeted me at breakfast saying "You look like a New Mexican hipster!" This kinda made my day. I don't know what a New Mexican hipster looks like (the, what, 20 that exist?), but they must be pretty cool people if they look like me. 
Confession: This was the shirt I slept in. yeah, I was that lazy to get dressed. Actually, I had barely gotten more than a nap for sleep and woke up 10 minutes before class. Ergo.. wore my pajama shirt as a shirt and was too lazy to put a bra back on. did not care.   
Interesting fact about this shirt. I got it at my second favorite ice cream place that happens to be in St. Louis. Oddly, it is National Geographic's second favorite too. My first favorite is also N.G.'s first favorite. WEIRD RIGHT?! Unfortunately my third favorite is not their third favorite...shame. Anyway, I've been to this place thrice now, and the fact that it is a 10 hour drive from my home says a lot. I deemed this a worthy reason for buying the shirt.
The rest of the outfit is a pair of shorts from Goodwill that I bleached, a red belt from Florence (where my third favorite is), my red Tom's, earrings made by a friend (she doesn't have a website to my knowledge) and a bandanna tie dyed by moi.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

bury me upside down

Gosh I look super white here. I mean because my skin looks like it's lacking in sun exposure, not because my outfit is "white". idk maybe it is. I feel it might be a little decade referencing.
Pretty much all of this is vintage. Not super cheap like usual, but I feel every girl needs a deep red crushed velvet dress in her wardrobe : ) The boots were just... ah, I couldn't pass them up.
I searched high and low for dark vests to wear over this dress because it just needs a little extra to tone down the flamboyancy of this dress. I originally thought I'd never find a black vest because they're not in style. Silly me, don't I know that the easiest things to find are the things that are not in style (especially relevant to thrift shopping)! Vests are in style right now, but the "I cut the arms off what would otherwise be a perfectly usable jacket so I could make my high waist shorts and baggy t-shirt look cool" is the kind of vest everyone is vibing now. So, I thought I'd look for a jacket I could dye and cut the arms off as much as I hate making functional things less functional. Well, If I didn't run into a box of vests before I got to the jackets and found, like, 5 perfect vests in all different colors and styles. Most importantly I found this dark gray one that fit exactly, color-wise, what I had in mind to go with this dress.
Listen to this song I'm obsessed with, I feel like it fits the suave hippie look I have going:
I hate the music video though, just close your eyes and listen, the music video has the best sound.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Don't worry, be happy...Outfest 2012

Guys, there is a gay/lesbian masters swim team in philly. To say I am tickled to death is an understatement. I love swimming and I love gay people (duh).You know what else tickles me? Seeing my views spike after publishing a post after a bit of a break. That means I have followers and they are following me! Possibly. Either that or I have an obsessive stalker! :O

Hello, I wore this to Outfest Philly 2012. If you saw me, you should have given me a hug cuz I was having a shitty day.
First of all, I hate the cold. I'm one of those people who freaks out and grabs her winter jacket the minute the thermometer hits 60.
Second, my professor had persuaded me to go visit a site (related to my thesis) and the only day I could do it was the morning before Outfest. Yoes, this site is in Nicetown. If any y'all know where that is, I had to ride the BSL to Erie and walk there. This trustworthy wikipedia article details how this is an area known for its open air recreational drug dealing. I was all... Pssshhh, wiki editors are racist and scared. HEEEELLLAA they were right! DAMN. I got off the train, walked up to the street and thought I was on the set of one of those inspirational "he dug himself out of the ghetto by his ingenious and determination" movies. Except it wasn't a set and there were all sorts of youngish guys hangin around with their hands in their pockets and shit. I was like, hmmm, day off work, this is how errbody spends it. BUT IT WAS RAINING. Okay, so I didn't approach anyone and no one approached me so I'm not 100% sure, but this is one college story I won't be sharing with the fam at Christmas time.
So, after doing all that and finding the site was closed and I was interupting some tighknit black community's church time, I took the train down to Center City to meet with friends who said their plan was to be at Outfest at 12. >: /
My plan was to leave at 2. Guess when they all showed up? Yeah... 2.
So I spent 2 hours walking around in the cold drizzle by myself. Hugs were needed.
And DAMN I looked hella good.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

I am yours now, so now I don't ever have to leave

Sorry about the title, it's like I just discovered The XX for the first time and I'm obsessed. I realize this is nothing new, they've been awesome for a while now.

Preppy, femmey look. Idk why I like to look so super girly. For some reason, this day I felt super cute and adorable and awesome! And DAMN do my legs look good in those jeans! Can you believe they were free?! They're also tight as hell and it feels like I'm molting off skin when I take them off.