Monday, July 30, 2012

Older gal style talkin

People watching at the airport only proves just how ridiculous straight women are. Do you know how many women walked by with 5+inch heels on? I don't either, I lost track.... but at the airport?! As if you don't have to hobble around at security trying to wriggle them off and on, but also clomp up and down some really long terminals and moving walkways. But don't give them too much credit, they were all wearing wedges, not stilettos or anything.

 This brings me to comment on a thought I had while doing all this people watching... Do stylish women actually care to be up with the fashions when they're older (45+) or do they just try to wear what makes their body look like a 20 year old? You know, hoochie suits. I only wonder this because I wonder if I will care so much when I'm twice as old as I am now. Will I really care? Will it still hold as much fascination it holds right now? I don't know about me, but there were definitely some fashionable women walking the Charlotte concourse the other day. I might take some inspiration from them too! So inspiring! I think I will try to maintain my idea of stylishness well past what others consider "my prime". I might just end up as that funky aunt to my brother and sister's future kids. Well, as if I'm not already funky enough already!

Monday, July 16, 2012

hazy lazy dazy

So, I keep buying shirts too big, but it's okay b/c then you can tie them up. I think it's because subconsciencely I think I'm going to get bigger and buying bigger stuff is like an investment in my future body. This is ridiculous. I think I just have found more joy in buying things that are big than buying things that are small (oh maybe cuz they more comfy?).
h&m tank, free shorts, made the headband, craft fair earrings
Not the craftiest or most original of outfits, but it looks nice and so do the pictures :)
Oh hell, I look pretty nice too!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

per usual

 Just some basics. Sometimes it is just waaaay too beyond belief hot outside to even thing about wearing more cloth on your body than what is in a pair of shorts and a tank top. If this was California I would say a pair of shorts and a bikini top, but alas the east coast holds it inhabitants to higher standards of heat tolerance.
 Below is the view from my friend's apartment in University City where these pictures were taken. Isn't Philly pretty? I think I can see my house from here... not.
Philly love!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

girly grunge

This is kinda grunge right? It is more dark than my usual fare, so I will call it grunge. Plus look at the dumpsters in the background, if that isn't grunge I don't know what is!
Hat: thrift; shirt: free; skirt: so old I don't remember; suspenders: thrift; shoes: thrift. Um, yeah, I like thrifting.
So, this day, actually, this picture was a few seconds before the worst torential downpour I've experienced in Philly. Guys, that one with hail, right?! I got stuck walking my gorgeous ass from Rittenhouse to the Italian Market in the middle of this awful stormfest and took shelter in a nearby CVS. I tried to chat up some drenched sporty chicks, but they were having none of it :/  c'est la vie

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Really basic outfit, but sometimes those are the best. Simple. Thrifted top, thrifted hat, shorts and shoes I've had since high school. such a baller, I know. Well, I wore this to what I thought was going to be a cool outing to a museum, but it ended up being a sit around a fountain watching drunk people swim while having a deep heart to heart with a good friend night. I felt so light and chic either way. And drunk people are always fun : )


"In fact, fashion and style are so much like a language, I’m always a bit baffled when people say things like, “I want to be judged on who I am, not on the clothes I wear.” It’s a bit like saying, “I want to be judged on who I am, not on the words that come out of my mouth.” But that’s a point for another time."

"Here’s my point for today. Fashion is a form of expression. A language of sorts. An art form, even... It’s also one of the very few art forms/ languages/ forms of expression in which women have more freedom than men."

an interesting blog post that reflects some of my thoughts and frustrations with fashion.