Sunday, September 30, 2012

Monday scary

My hair was lookin grrreat this day.

This is what I look like when I've only gotten 3 hours of sleep, have to go to physics at 9 in the morning, and don't want people to talk to me. dat some scary ass shit. it totally worked... grrrrrrr.
My friend just told me she saw me this day and wondered "why does she look like she wants to shoot herself?" Mission accomplished bitches, this is how bitches say STAY THE FUCK AWAY.
On the same note

Friday, September 28, 2012

until the thrill was gone

 haha, looking so hipster dyke right now
Well, slutty hipster dyke, slut it up.
I was so super excited for this day. It was my first Friday not working and there was a queer latina film screening at another school that I was going to and I wanted to look good and gay. The outfit I originally planned to wear I wore a later day (red dress), but for some reason this day I woke up and thought "yeah, those pants!" These pants are jet black, corduroy, fit perfectly and they're J Brand that my mom got for $3 at Gabes. Love that place, makin my fam look rich since... 1990. 
I woke up, my hair was perfect, I magically threw together the perfect outfit for the occasion,
I was on cloud nine. 
Well, the only thing that can happen after so much anticipation- the screening did not meet my expectations. Because I'm a narcissistic asshole, I get mad when people don't fawn all over my look. I looked hella good, the people that appreciate this look were in attendance, yet... nothing. It was as if I was flying under the radar, which I don't. I guess the movie was just that good. It really was though. Mosquita y Mari, you should all check it out if you get the chance.
Also, female lead alt rock bands pandora channel blowing my mind right now!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

... and angels look like Hell


I admit I was trying to look like Lua a bit. Jet vintage velvet skirt that feels like it was made for a doll, with an old shirt from a friend, and then of course all the requisite grunge accessories, like pink socks. Note to self: new socks, preferably in dark shades.  

Monday, September 24, 2012

Devils Look Like Angels...

Sometimes I feel like Lara Croft when I wear these shorts with boots.
So, I first wore this outfit to a concert in Rittenhouse this summer. The concert was of The Reverend Payton's Big Damn Band (which I linked above). I wouldn't say I'd sit around and listen to them on repeat, but they were so much fun to just jump around in a crowd of really random people for a little while.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Brown eyed girl

This was just one of those days... where you look and feel great and nobody compliments you. : ( 
One of those days you feel so awesome, you don't even notice nobody else is feelin it.

My camera especially wasn't feelin it. I could not get a good shot to save my life this day. I begged Gabrielle to take a pic of me before we went to the dining hall, just so I'd at least have one! (the first one)
There's just no buoyancy in these pics. The colors were fantastic, matched so perfectly. I felt genius coming up with this combination. Because, honestly... a cropped brown stretch velvet shirt? Who walks into Goodwill and is all "I'M NOT LEAVING HERE WITHOUT THIS!" Cuz dat was me. I love when I fall in love with a piece and buy it not knowing exactly what I'm going to do with it, but I like it so much I force myself to come up with creative ways to wear it. My wardrobe is not complete until it is included. I really think it's the awesome belt that really ties these two destined pieces (H&M dress, Goodwill thrifted shirt, thrifted/vintage belt) together. I know brown aint the big thang this season, but on this campus who knows or cares? (some people know, no one cares) I say as long as it looks good and looks as though you might have worn it in this decade (no period pieces y'all), you're all good. But HAAaaayy I think y'all good anyway! :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

look ma, I'm famous! sorry, I'm not sorry.

Well, not famous, but I had someone I barely know come up and tell me they love my blog and of course (because it was a Saturday night) I was drunk and gave her this truly (hollywood) horrified look. I apologize! I was just wondering how you had found it since I don't advertise and only give the url to people who ask for it. I'm shocked and flattered. I swear, even if I didn't look it.

Apologetic spiel over. I also, in my drunken state thought it'd be a great idea to take some blog photos of my outfit last night. Usually I photograph an outfit before going out in it, but I was ambushed by excited concert goers and left with no time to do a photo shoot.
Here are some pics to amuse you all:
 Apparently when I'm drunk my eyes get puffy. This ain't so bad...
 Dis one pretty good too!

Bahda Bing!
 Bahda Boom!
 Wtf, musta had something stuck in my eye?
  Leaning tower of drunk eyed me. If you see this look, run! I will try to make out with you! Wait, don't run ;)

This was so difficult guys, I kept tripping over my carpet and trying not to step in the puddle of drying tequila and lime juice. And the only reason my pomp is staying up is cuz I hadn't showered in three days and grease = volume. everybody knows that.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

yeah mama this shorely is a dream...

Who's that castin' dee vee us stares in my direction?
For some reason I feel very 90s in this outfit. I think it's the cut of the shirt.
Well, here is my post lamenting about how my style is not really the same as the other well dressed cool cats on campus and an outfit like this (that still isn't "in style") doesn't fit in very well. I don't know if I posted on this before, but I kinda hated the AW2012 shows. All so dark and gloomy with no trends or anything fantastic standing out. Just felt like more of the same... 
The reason I really got into looking stylish and keeping up with fashion (to the best of my ability) is because I was so inspired by the AW2011 shows last summer (when I first looked at them, I know, late).
SS2012 was the same way... so much inspiration. Now, not so much. I find myself looking more to street style and "hipster" fashions than looking to the famous fashion houses. Unfortunately I feel those are all full of attention getting gimmicks (note, bleached high waisted shorts) and overly bright colors and bastardized versions of runway genius (eww, those cut out shoulders anyone?). I know others are finding great joy in last season's shows, but not this girl.
So, this outfit looked good only because it looks good on me and I try to wear everything with confidence. However, I would never wear this to impress other fashiony or even hipster/streetstyley people. maybe other femme lesbians : )

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Will you be my sunshine?

This look needs no words.
Nice day, pretty outfit.
Old free people skirt pulled up high with my denim top tied over top.
So much pretty!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Pomp and Circumstance

 Look at me with my glasses lookin all smart and hot shit!
I think this says: "Don't mess with me, take me seriously" (note the sarcasm)
I decided not to be a super slut on the first week of school, so I wore a tank underneath instead of just ma bra. I liked pairing it with the trashy shorts... just because they're not in style! Mix it up! (and my high waisted ones had already been worn this week, no repeats in the same week! gotta maintain some sort of rules!) 
Suspenders, just, duh. 
Okay, now let's talk about the elephant in the room. WHERE?! i wish. I haven't even decorated yet. Nvmd. Yes, I have glasses (that I wear on occasion), and yes, I intentionally picked a pair that fit my face... NOT ones that made me look like a hipster (as suggested). If it doesn't look good or make you feel good don't wear it. I love trends as much as the next girl, but recognize them for what they are. Anyway, these match the vintage pin up girl thang I been doin recently.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cray oh la the skies for a thousand miles...

 In case you haven't noticed... I'm in a new room now! Yay, finally living in a castle!
 Also, kinda half-way done painting the window in the background...
Painting that window also meant that I let the door slam on my big toe and now half of my toenail is hanging by floatsom and getsom. TMI but it means that I couldn't wear my pointy boots with this outfit like I wanted. It's just an H&M dress (with pockets!) that I tried dying with onion skins and it half worked. Vintage/thrifted vest. Easy. Awesome!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I looked too good today

 So, today was the first day of classes and my world was rocked... not in a good way. I am tOHtally unprepared for, like, everything. So, I might not be posting so much this semester. Sorry to any readers that actually follow my blog regularly.

AnyWHO! So up til this point I've been just crawling around campus in my lounge wear which is inexcusable and unfortunate, but it is just way too damn hot to try every day! FO ReAL! Buuuuuut.... today was the first day of classes and ... I'M A SENIOR... and I decided to pick up the dressing in normal clothes charade again. Well, normal for me.

 But really, I be stompin around campus all hot and shit and of course... NOT MAKING EYE CONTACT with all the cute freshwomen with people at all. I'm shy, I swear! And freshwomen? could I be any more desperate. really. really. OMG THEY ARE SO CUTE AND EXCITABLE!
 So I make sexy smirk eyes at dem and hope they secretly notice...
 ...but not enough that they'll actually say anything, because I actually have absolutely no time. not even to be a slut. shame. I'd be a good slut ;)
Look at my earrings, they're plastic and I made them. That's all. The End.