Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August blah

I apologize for the lack of clothing posts. It's just summer and I really just don't want to wear anything. I'm wearing justa bra and shorts cali style right now. Not turning any heads whatsoever. That's fine. It's too damn hot outside to try and there is not really much worth trying for right now. Don't call the suicide police on me just yet. What I mean is that I'm approaching a bit of a transition in lifestyles (city sublet to suburban dorm room) and I'm not coping so well. See yoes, I've been wishing, hoping, working all my life to get away from all that green stuff and live in a fucking city. I finally did it this summer and if it weren't for all my extra curricular activities (actually: swimming, art club, job) I would totally just sign a lease here in philly and commute to class and fuck all the college shit I'll miss out on. well, I'm just not that cool.

I'm also super excited for my fall wardrobe... you know, once it actually gets cold enough to be considered fall. Deep reds, blacks, velvet, tights... I'm drooling as I type this. I'mma be one cool ass bitch. Either that or that girl that thinks she got so much style and really everyone just shakes their head in dismay. I'm always worried I'm that girl because I don't always have the exact article of clothing I want for a particular outfit but wear it anyway for "the concept", not necessarily because it looks superb. Wish me luck, cuz haters always got their straws in the hater-ade.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

oh wow house parties

I just have to tell you my adventure last night. So I impulsively went to a 90s themed house party featuring mostly Drexel law students last night. Never one to turn down a theme party I picked a perfect 90s get up and am slapping myself for not taking pics of it! I shall describe: slightly longer jean shorts with striped pink crop top with suspenders and of course my ugly black boots. Also goldish big hoops and my recently train wrecked new haircut... perfect. I had these girls coming up to me asking if I was ordered off ebay and that I looked and danced like the white version of someone who's name I do not recognize. These girls were screaming "omg! I love her!" aaaaallll night. which was honestly a  little weird and annoying except that one of the girls was beautiful and kept giving me fuck me eyes whenever I looked over... I know, tough life huh? Too bad she was super femme and had long hair :/ I'm just not that big on long hair unless there's an undercut involved. That's the end of my story. I hope everyone else is attending awesome theme parties and going all out! And now I'm going to research if it is possible to order a costumed person off ebay...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I'll take you to the candy shop... no lollipops

 Have you ever put on an outfit that looked SMASHING, and then realized you should really look a little bit slumpier. It was a casual occasion, but yeah, I didn't mean to look so good. Well, kinda. There was a strong potential for other queerios to be there and I hadn't dressed for success in a REALLY long time, and that is just fun for me... even if it doesn't work.
I also may or may not have intentionally left the roller derby ad in the shot. The umbrella just kinda snuck in.
 LOOK AT MY GOD DAMN AWESOME LEGS! They are a product of refusing to use public transport and walk everywhere no matter how ridiculously far (under 10mi total) it is.
 So... everything is thrifted.
 I wasn't sure how well these items would go together since they are both statement pieces and too much of a good thing is... overwhelming to the eye (this pretty much only applies towards clothing- I love over the top). However, the stripes with the plain uno- colored shorts works well. I think.
80s on top, 70s on bottom, close enough!
I made my jewelry. I made myself b.e. a. uuuuuu tiful cameo earrings and pendant from shrinky dink plastic. *supersmilezzzz

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

kiss my a$$ cuz it's famous

Wore this to a bar on a Thursday. I thought it was gonna be a quiet night and I wouldn't have to worry about looking fab AND comfy, so I wore this. Bitches this was one of those nights that you think about what you are going to wear all week and then 30 minutes before you go out you realize you really didn't know what you were going to wear and run around pulling out everything and holding it all up next to each other. All while dancing around in your underwear and also realizing everything is way more comfortable in your underwear and why do you have to wear clothes anyway?
This was a "need to do make up in 5 minutes" kinda deal. Also, never put make up on when you're sweaty because it goes on super pigmented (it looks like I only got sunburned on my cheeks everyday for a week, hello bronzer!) and or smeary. This is probs all super obvi to all the super femmey people out there, but for my lazy ass not so much. Hey, it's dark, right?
Shirt: Marshalls, Shorts: Goodwill, Boots: vintage, Suspenders: H&M
Anyway, I had a lot of fun in this outfit even if I didn't mean to. Got sloppy and embarrassing, but only embarrassing because we were the youngest ones there and acting it. CUUUUUTE bartender, that actually, what, smiled?! Sorry, I must always piss off bartenders b/c they're never smiley. omggggiggle she was super cute AND smiley. 
Also, ended up having a fun time dancing around with this one chick and wanted to ask for her number in a "I need more friends in this town" way, not a "I need to get in your pants" way. HOW DO YOU DO THAT? No matter what it sounds creepy and/or offensive. Why do I always want to make friends at bars?! Why not normal places? What are normal places?!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

thrifting perfection

Don't you love when you go to your favorite vintage/ second hand store and find everything you were looking for? Me too. That happened this weekend! Velvet hammer pants and black denim vest! hellzz yes! Look forward to seeing those! So excited! Did anybody else have a successful shopping experience lately? haha, lol, I pretend ppl read my blog! comment! email me! I accept constructive criticism too!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Today I will try to look like a gay man

Well, I don't look entirely like a gay man. I got to say, me doing drag is pretty hard. My most successful attempts have been when I wear really big sunglasses or apply face altering make up. Either way, I feel like this is what a gay man might want to wear (I didn't exactly do any consulting either). Must have worked, I got lots of attention... from everybody!
Hey there stud muffin.
I just cut the sleeves off a deliciously lavender colored mens button up shirt I got at a thrift store. I was gonna try to size it down, butcha know me, too lazeee.
I swear, there is this stretch of road by my place that for what ever reason or another I always get compliments. This day, it did not fail. Some guys told me he liked my tie. Hell yeah you did! How many other fine ass motherfuckers do you know who wear a deep red velvet bow ties?! not many. yeah.