Friday, March 30, 2012

133 million views?! I feel so behind. Rant brought on by song.

I don't know how to get videos on here yet. Give me time. I heard this song on the radio, it's Somebody that I Used to Know by Gotye. I just looked it up today and was like how was that the first time I heard this song if it has 133 million views?! Must have been really popular for those 4 months I was in Europe and then died when I got back... mystery.

So now I'm listening to it on repeat and really want to belt it out loud because it's one of those songs I could really flex my amateur (ie untrained, wouldn't even make it to audition on AI) vocal cords and belt it out like Aretha, or Gotye. However, I am at work so that won't be happening.

I'm actually going to talk about the song itself. It makes me really sad. A kind of powerful good sad. A thinking sad. Okay, I admit, between these two sentences I just looked up the lyrics and know it's not what I was thinking it was. SOOOooooo I'm going to talk about just the line "Now you're just somebody that I used to know". It really reminds me of yes, old friends or crushes (not been in any serious relationships so I can't say old loves) that you just grow apart from and never see again, and you don't really care. They're just a part of a chapter of your life that you can't even barely remember. I'm thinking mostly high school friends. I didn't really have any good friends in high school. I don't usually go home and immediately call up all my gurfrannns and have a big get-to-gether dinner and spend the night laughing away at our past and present adventures. I kind of envy people who have that relationship with their high school friends, but then I don't because that would be wearisome. It would be wearisome because I realize I changed a lot since then and they have too. Now when we do get together we sit around telling stories (leaving out crucial details) and wishing we were telling them to people we knew better. It's awkward and strained. I feel this is kind of really sad, because I'm not old enough to have felt like I lived another life. I also realize that while in school, the people I hung out with were not all that close to me anyway... they were just purely people I hung out with at school. What a sad existence.

Okay, new confession, I just listened to the song while reading the lyrics, allll the lyrics, not just the first few lines, and realize I have had this EXACT situation happen to me, well not EXACT, similar. And yes, I feel the same way. I FEEL YA GOTYE. There have been some people that I thought were just good friends that have confessed their feelings for me. I have turned them all down because I didn't have those feelings for them. HOWEVER, I do very much still want to be friends with them, but they always cut themselves off from me and we never regain the good relationship (friend relationship ya'll) we once had. So, because of no fault of my own, I have lost a good friend and am left not knowing why exactly except that I hurt them by not having the same feelings. This is stupid. I never said I didn't like them, I just said I didn't want to fuck them. sorry to be so crude, but I end up feeling that this is the root of the situation and it makes me feel terrible because their distance to me means that they didn't really want to be my friend in the first place, they just thought I was cute. Ouch. I have a nice personality too! Swear!

So all you honies out there that want to get with me! If I wanted to fuck you too, it'd be obvious and we'd be doin it like nobodies' business. If we're not fucking, just good friends, chances are that it's going to stay that way, unless you want to be pig headed and fuck things up by not talking to me. Then I guess I will be singing this song forever. Which I don't entirely mind, it's a nice song that you can really feel the emotion in your chest when he hits the chorus. I love when that happens.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My idea of a sundress

So, it was really warm, and it was Friday, and I was feeling extra girly, and extra dykey... so I wore my (only) sundress (it has cats on it!) and paired it with DAT CROPPED JEAN JACKET and BOMB ASS BOOTS! What a good day.

I bought this dress on sale at UO, mostly to just not get in a fight with my mom. best $20 ever spent. She gets sooo mad when I drag her into stores, spend hours trying shit on and looking through every. single. rack of clothing and don't buy anything. I can't imagine why, this is perfectly rational! :P

Monday, March 26, 2012

Strange indeed, strange and beautiful

I'm glad I took this picture in the morning, even though there was so much sunlight in my room I couldn't get a decent picture. I woke up and my hair looked like this:

Okay, so I thought it was pretty awesome and doused my hair with hair spray with little hope that it would actually stay up that way. It actually did for most of the day.

So, more about this "look". I was trying to copy a recent look from Stella McCartney's fall 2012 runway. It's basically a deep deep v neck black sweater over a button up turtle neck with a flared mini skirt. None of which I own. Okay, I did have the flare skirt, but ya know, it didn't look exactly like Stella's. I was preparing to cut up a dark sweater I found around before someone informed me it was navy... not black. tragedy. Nvmd, I got up that morning planning on wearing the skirt and the ginghamy houndstooth pink print shirt from God knows what era. That shirt is just waaaaaay too much on its own. tried a vest. tried a belt.


Wear a black cardigan tucked in and only buttoned at the botton and SHAZAAM! instant Stella. I know, I'm a miracle worker. Born not of this world. Praise me later, send me money, pour loving comments onto all my posts, etc.

hahaa, arrow on door. aren't I a cutey? I should re-name this blog "Narcissistic Extravaganza" or something more clever... I'll work on it.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

80s beachy grunge?

I made this shirt (the black one) last summer, but I didn't have time to wear it around, besides the house. I wore it in Assisi too, but it was too hot to be wearing black. bleh. I wore it this day because it was going to be hot, but not get hot til later in the day, so the blackness of the shirt helped warm me up in the early part of the day. I can never pass up an opportunity to wear my ugly black boots with shorts just because it looks so edgy and everyone (by everyone I mean a few ppl) always tells me (much later after meeting me) that their first impression of me was that I was "cool". I think this is because of the boots... and my obvious SWAGGA! The tank top underneath is a meshy "intimates" (pajama) top that I got at Gabes (Gabriel Brothers) for cheap and feels so cool and slinky... and is almost not see-through, but if you're cold ;) it totally is. I just so happened to get lucky and the straps are red and I have a red convertible bra, Wha-la, you hardly notice!

So, the shirt I got inspiration from a free people top I saw in their catalog. If you know something about t-shirt laddering, what I did should be pretty obvious. I basically cut slits down the whole the front of an already over-sized shirt and then laddered the slits twice. It doesn't fit so well, and looks sloppy, and the bottom curls up... but I still get compliments on it? So I'll continue to wear it... for now.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Dressin well on the Weekend?!

Don't you love when you wake up and literally put on the first things you put in your hands? me too :)
I also love wearing my ginormous hoop earrings with anything, it always makes everything look tacky chic.
Someone just came to my blog by googling "disco hipster glasses atomic". Whoever you are, you are awesome. I clearly get so many page views that I can't keep track of the wacky stuff that brings the wide world to my abode. Clearly I don't and can be wildly amused by such stuff at 3:50 am.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

More laid back and playful

So, the pants in this picture are dip/ombre dyed at the bottoms which, in better lighting is more visible.

I love the glasses because the first thing I thought to do with them was put glitter on them, which I did, later. They're also faux hipster glasses, which makes them totally more cool and awesome than if there were actual real glasses, or even hipster glasses...right?

I love the necklace because I got the skull bead in Lucca, Italy and I actually haggled like a pro and got it for .50 euro instead of 1 euro. he he

So, just a fun kinda pop-y outfit.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Yep, I know it's ridiculous

Yes, this is a leopard faux fur vest that my mom got for me, insisting that it was what was "in" and she saw them everywhere . While at home I wore it around the house with my pyjamas, ya know, in true trailer trash fashion, which only made the rest of my family laugh and my mom unhappy. I brought it along with me to college just to humor her. Well, whadayaknow if I haven't worn it twice already. The first time was part of an outfit I called "Russian oil baron's girlfriend", but everyone just told me I looked classy... and they weren't just being nice. I think this is when I realized it doesn't take much to impress people on this campus.
There wasn't really a theme for this outfit, I just saw the red pants, leopard jacket combo on the fall runways (again, I forget the designer, isabel murant?) and then paired it with THIS SHIRT- if I coulda put that in sparkly pink letters I would have. I FREAKING LOVE THIS SHIRT.

So this shirt is another one of my DIY/clothing mod projects. I was skeptical of it working out since I knew the minute I cut the shoulders out of this basic mens gym tee (so soft!) that the material around my boobs was going to sag. That is why I thought if I did THIS it would make everything tight and wonderful, perfect.

While it does look cool. It didn't really work for what I wanted it to. I ended up having to dart the excess fabric near my boobs and I thought it looked weird, but my friends insisted it didn't (they're so nice!). I've never done that before, but I might think about doing it more in the future. While it's def not perfect, you can hardly notice the imperfections at first glance, which is all I ask for. BUT DOESN'T THAT NECKLINE LOOK BANGIN' WITH MY HEFTY SWIMMER SHOULDERS?! HELLZ YES!

Yes, I know you can see through my shirt, that's the way I like it!

I freaking, love this shirt! Yes, it is see-through, yes it is bright red, yes I am going to wear it unabashedly. I got so badgered on campus this day because my shirt was see-through, it's not like I have a bad body! Anyway, I wanted to wear this with my high-waisted black jeans and black boots and a belt. Well, what do ya know if the weather was super wonderful again and I had to wear shorts and sandals! Damn! Same shorts as the day before, the sandals I've had since high school. Got 'em at Walmart, $10. That shit's for real! Lasts!
The shirt I got at Loehmans in New York, and it's seven for all mankind. I've never been to Loahmans before and forced my shopping weary traveling companion to go in with me. I was not super impressed. The prices were not very enticing, the selection was basic, stuff from upper scale departments stores. Not the kind of stuff I was looking for. Well, I saw this shirt on the wall, and knew I wanted this bad! There were purple ones and blue ones too, both beautiful, but not quite as eye catching. On a small level I regret not getting the blue one because that color is so pretty and going to be in style in the fall, but it just didn't look as good on me as the red, and I was only going to be getting one.
I took the outfit off halfway through the day because the colors are just so not spring and I couldn't decide if everyone was staring at me because they could see my bra through this or because the outfit was clearly much better for fall. Either way, I am going to put it away until fall and then rock it then. IT'S SO PRETTY THOUGH!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Warm day, halleluiah!

So, I had planned on wearing this wicked cool outfit this day, but, much to my ire, the weather was outrageously gorgeous so I decided to go with something different. I had just finished cutting and sewing this number up, and was not opposed to wearing it. However, I had kind of planned on wearing white pants with it. IT WAS 75 DEGREES OUTSIDE! I couldn't wear pants. That was just not an option. And, really, who am I kidding, I fucking love wearing shorts! I crave the times when I can just slip on a simple pair of never washed cut offs and go dancing off through a sun dappled meadow. okay, well minus the sun dappled meadow bit. I'm more a city girl anyway. So I picked out my super tight, go to black shorts. Hey, I can be lazy every once and a while, right? So I picked out those and then needed shoes, toyed with the idea of wearing my boots. Decided it was too warm to wear those too. Picked out my semi-gladiator sandals and pesto, I had an outfit.

Okay, so this shirt is another story itself. I had originally seen some girl wearing a brown tank top in the Barcelona metro that was fringed all up the sides and sleeves. Of course I stared at it for a good few minutes to come up with how I could make one for myself. Seemed easy enough. I acquired the shirt in a second hand shop in Florence (yes, they exist) for 1 euro determined to fringe it up. It was a XXL and made all soft and comfy through what I can only imagine what was years and years of man sweat and love. I cut up the sides first of course without thinking what I was doing and so had to go by those lines for sewing. I sewed it backwards and got the fringe caught on the inside of the shirt. So... I gave up. I left it in a pile and stuffed it into my suitcase to finish at home. So, I took it out this spring break and knew what I had to do. It took some work (more than I thought) and I got that sucker all hand stitched up (b/c jersey is a bitch (the fabric, not the state)), and cut up the sleeves and made it beautiful.

Oh, and it was cold a bit, so I wore my jean jacket over it too.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Okay, so I was going to wear this super cool retro 80s/90s look to meet someone I met online and may or may not have kinda liked. but they bailed on me and are not texting me anymore. FLAKE. any way, shouldn't be ranting about personal life on Internet. I will learn. So, this is my super awesome spandex skirt with a basic white tank, a wicked cool shade of blue vest I just picked up during spring break, sheer black tights, and the black boots. Oh, and the earring is something I picked up in Florence, Italy while studying there last fall. Literally, I only bought one. Two were 18 euro and I realized that I would really only ever wear one at a time, so why should I buy both?! I asked the store ladies if I could just buy one for 9 euro (still expensive I know, but earrings are a weakness of mine) and they said "ci!". So that is the story of my singular shocking pink earring. ver ver asymmetrical dahling.

fashion lends welll to lesbianism

well, doesn't it?! fashion is a women's game to one up each other through clothing status and style. They do not wear fashionable clothing to impress men, unless those men are gay. Fashionable in this case being high fashion, not to be misconstrued with stylish or flattering. Clothing that walks down runways and generally only looks good on ass-less waifs. Clearly this kind of clothing is not worn to impress the body loving male gaze, but to impress female peers. Therefore I say that fashion is well suited for lesbians, who's aim is not to impress men, but impress women. Women loving women wear clothes to impress and get the attention of other women. MAKES SENSE.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Total Spring Outfit

MMMmmm don't you love new clothes? I just got back from a short little NYC trip and bought myself some basics I felt were missing from my wardrobe. A CROPPED JEAN JACKET DUH. I wore a plain white tank underneath and a skirt I had tie-dyed awhile ago on bottom. Spring means time for short skirts! WOoooo!

Friday, March 9, 2012

This one, I'm kinda really proud of

So, the peachy/salmon top I just found in a free box, and have pathetically been toting around with me for over a year now. I knew there had to be something good I could do with it! It fit really well, but the color was aweful (so I thought at the time, notice how quickly opinions can change!). So this year I've been noticing all the cut out pieces on the spring runway: of which I will find the pictures for later.

So... I cut out a triangular section from each shoulder of the top. I realized after I did this how big the section was and realized I would probably not be able to wear this.
The next Saturday I had a birthday celebration to go to in the city, and thought, well, this is a daring number, I think I'll wear it. I always planned to wear it with the high-ish waisted black pants with chunky belt (love the buckle's effect), but I didn't know what to wear underneath the polo. I think I was planning on just wearing a black bra and letting the straps peek out. SO, the epiphany was to wear my black lace shirt underneath.
Wha-la! Pretty peek-a-boo lacey shoulders with semi "in" peachy colored polo and tight black jeans.

I always wear black boots unless otherwise stated.

I'm going to start uploading my outfits on to here, because you know, I think I'm super stylish

So, I wore this the first school day after I dyed my hair navy blue. Unfortunately I'm too much of a pussy to bleach my hair, so I just picked a dark dye and thought, well, hell, maybe this will work out. It didn't. My hair just "looked darker" according to my friends and in the right lighting (dull, dark, bad lighting) it had a navy tinge to it. Well, the outfit is a thrifted Ralf Lauren button up (I never find something good enough to wear with out making modifications, I felt so lucky), my spandexy black mini skirt, h&m suspenders, sheer black hose (you can't see it) and my GLORIOUS, WONDERFUL, GLISTENING, OUTRAGEOUS, FLAMBOYANT DIY Miu Miu sneakers that I did myself and look like this:

and this:

and this!

they're so shiny and ridiculous! I love them :D

So, I'm going to upload more pictures and hopefully post more posts, because upon re-reading other posts, I realized how therapeutic this is! And, I'm just ridiculous about complaining about stuff.