Thursday, May 31, 2012

summer hpster

You know how when you take a great picture, but only one part of the whole actually looks good? Yeah, ^that picture. Hot bod, wtf face. It's like I'm trying too hard to get on ANTM. "Tyra, look at my smize!"

So, how is everyone else's summer? I actually didn't wear this during the summer, but who's counting?
I got the then pants in a thrift store and they had weird yellow stains (not there)(and they did wash out), but I cut the bottoms off, cuffed 'em and there ya go! shorts that cover my belly button!
I did the shirt too. Like this. Cut it up, twisted the straps, sewed them back. careful it stretches though. at the end of the day, my bra was completely hanging out, not just peeking as intended.
WHAT THE MUTHERFUCKIN FUCK?! I'm just too ridiculous for my own good. thank gawd this pic was taken in jest. I do not actually think this looks good. who do you think I am?! actually, my pecs look quite luverly. Have you ever noticed how after watching a movie with foreign accents you pick it up in your head too? old episodes of Lip Service have me thinking in a Scottish accent. let's hope this is temporary. 
I found you miss nue booty! 'bout to take off for flight!

I thought I left the creepy guys in Italia....

Just a pencil skirt and v-neck top and I get so many stares and "You're looking really good today" in the streets. And by stares I mean, glares... from old women. Jesus christo, I didn't know a pencil skirt, albeit a little hiked up because I have a long stride and that tends to make skirts ride up, would have this affect on street life. If all it takes to get creepy reactions on the street is to wear a pencil skirt, then I have no hope for humanity.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

OOooops, another re-wear

 I was going to try to make this style tank out of a thrifted menswear shirt, but I caved and just bought this one from H&M. I feel like a sell out. Nah, I'll use this one as a pattern for the other one!
I like this pic. It looks so random, right? I totally didn't stand with my hand on the camera for like, ten seconds to get this weird angle... no. Look at my hair, though. Would you believe me if I said I wake up looking like that?

Saturday, May 19, 2012

"Did hell freeze over?!"

Did my mom just encourage me to buy these awesome paisley print suspenders?! Did my mom and sister just go vintage shopping with me and enjoy themselves?! Did my mom just say she needed more dining room chairs in case her offspring bring home "partners"?!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Ombre and D to the P

Bloglovin be where it's at yo
I am also "claiming" my blog on bloglovin so that is what ^ that is for.

I know color dying ombre is so overplayed by now (bleach is the new thing now fyi), but I couldn't help sharing my attempt. I think it went all right. It definitely would have gone better had I been using a container with a flat edge instead of a bucket with a curved edge, hence the cone/mountain/roller coaster shape on the front of my chest there. trial and error, trial and error. This shirt I bought as fundraiser from my college's feminist newspaper "The College News" and if you are a wonderful person you might go check out their site! D2P peeps.
 slightly embarrassing, I know you'll judge. but hey, this blog is embarrassing enough! the back is worth reading! I AM A FEMINIST.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Out of my room! Finally!

 They finally let me out! I'm free! JK. My wonderful friend and I went to see the Van Gogh exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art one Saturday and what a perfect opportunity to shine! I decided to go as my hipster best and wore something that looks an awful lot like what I normally wear. oh well, it looks good.
 Oh yeah, see all those people checkin' me out? Maybe they were just looking at my gorgeous photographer ;)
Back in my room. Had to show the look sans jacket and backpack. Come to find out my mom really hates my belt... and boots... and style in general. I tried to explain the concept of androgyny to her, but she just kept calling me "a butch". Well, that aint a bad look either. Maybe with time I'll win her over!

Monday, May 14, 2012

A little out there

 I've noticed detachable collars are all the rage this spring, but worn with girly dresses. Never one to conform, I wore it with my grungey shredded shirt! I think I am either going to stud this collar or glitter it! I just cut it off a men's shirt. Easy.
 My hair was SUPER curly that day too. Love when that happens.

Heehee, love this one. I look like a coked up wanna be synth dj or sumthing

Thursday, May 10, 2012


I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow and I can see the convo with the stylist going a lot like this:

Stylist: How would you like me to cut it?

Me: Um, well, I'm going home in 2 days (to republican land) and my internship this summer is at a pretty
conservatively dressed firm......

Stylist: So, something conservative?

Me: ...and gay! and stylish! Yes!

Stylist: ...

Me: Is that possible?

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I didn't like this outfit, so I'll just post pics of my hair

... or the side of my face. So, when I last got my hair cut I told the girl I probs wouldn't be getting it cut for another 3 months. Yos, the last time I got my hair cut was when I started this blog. While not quite 3 months ago, it's still a damn long time for someone with short hair. Ergo, why I have been wearing a bandana around. But not just any bandana! Of course I had to go and make my own!
So, the last time I was at JoAnn's I had the forsight to buy a plain white bandana knowing full well that an opportunity to tie-dye was coming up. I just did up some simple stripes (vertical or horizontal, it's a square!) in black, red, yellow, red, black pattern with a lot of overlap, and wha-la! I know it's not for everybody and I kinda wear it as my junky bandana headband to keep my overgrown locks out of my face, but I still think it's awesome.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Androgynous hipster guy

Well, this outfit was inspired by my insatiable urge to wear my royal blue blazer with my navy blue pants and a white shirt. A combo I have regrettably already worn and will probably wear again. I hate re-wearing outfits. I absolutely LOVE re-wearing clothes, but not outfits.
As I watched a friend scroll through my entire blog in 2 minutes without reading my descriptions, I realized most people visiting my blog are probably not reading the stuff I type around the pictures.(i love my friend and am flattered that after those 2 min. she turned to ask if that was all. I only started this 2 monthes ago give me a break!) It is a shame no one reads my comments because I am clearly a clever, witty comic genius. They are missing out and I will spend the rest of this post talking nonsense cuz, hey! no one reads it anyway! Oohpa!
Pinapple penguins slept in the pond before sunrise. Titles escaped the gold embossing to become antique. I love thinking of random words, but putting them in sentences together to make sense is harder. Panties. Such an awkward word. Probs cuz only my grandmother and UO and every critic of the navajo panties uses the word. Seriously, did no one else feel awkward reading about that minor scandal just b/c of "panties"? I think American Apparel calls them panties too. They would. FUCKING UNDERWEAR OR UNDIES, HOW HARD IS THAT? Doesn't that pic look like I'm pooping a glowing red thing? I took other pics to correct it, but alas, my swagger was strongest in this one. and I just spent a paragraph talking about panties, so why not? OH YOLO.
Oh hot dang girl, bite that lip. sexxxay! The shirt is my club's motto! Aren't we the cutest?!

Friday, May 4, 2012


So sassy! Look at that pout!
Well, this is another thrifted top. It's a nice outfit, but for some reason I'm not getting the feeling that I liked it very much. I think I was having a bad day. I love this top very very much though. It's not super flattering, but it feels so cool to wear, it almost stands up by itself it's so stiff. that's...what...she said? no.
Super cool vintage earrings I got in Florence! Wooo! (they're clip-ons, and some people think that is weird and un-cool, but those people are wrong:)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Vaudeville chic

Please ignore the half eaten chocolate covered marshmallow egg in my hand, this was the best pic. That distant blank stare was too much to resist...jk.
Well, I recently got the shirt at what is marketed as a thrift store, but is actually, weirdly enough some stomping ground of super hip store clerks and some average joes hoping to find sorta trendy stuff at cheaper than in-store prices. Anybody been to Buffalo Exchange? kinda pricey for my taste, but some good things can be found there. I hate naming any thing by name, but even if you don't go to buy anything there, just go to see what the staff is wearing. I am also wearing my gold Miu Miu look-a-like sparkle shoes which I've featured on here before, but didn't show them with an outfit.
Okay, so let's talk about the shirt ensemble: The cream one I got at Buffalo Exchange, where it was before that, I do not know. But! The day I got it, I was shopping with my friend that dreads shopping as a favor and a way to get off campus and swore up and down I wasn't going to buy anything. Well, what if I didn't find everything that I had put in the back of my head to look for! 1. A cream chiffon blouse 2. round sunglasses 3. spandex bustier crop top thing- I found them all! I wore the third thing under the first and it was beautiful and I didn't feel like a super slut wearing only my bra under a very see-thru shirt! Yay! win! no more super slut until summer when I just don't wear anything!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Another outfit inspired by a friend

So, again I was awake at 4 am with some friends and lacking in inspiration for my next day's outfit. So, I asked my "I don't care what people think yet obsessively pick out just the perfectly derelict pieces to wear in everyday of my life" friend (love her!)to tell me what to wear. She's such a perv, she told me to wear an outfit that I wore to a sex pos party that is not going to be seen in public and def not in a classroom... ever. Well, I just threw on a shirt to that outfit and wore it pretty much as was.
Oh haaaiii