Sunday, December 9, 2012

sexy lumberjack

Sorry for the webcam pics. Ran out of room on my memory card and I'm too lazy to go get another one!
Heyyyyyyy... sexy lady!
There are kitty faces on that skirt. Ever noticed how awkward it is to say the work "kitties" because it sounds like "kiddies"? I keep asking my mom to send me "kittie pics" of our adorable cats at home, but it only sounds like "kiddie pics" which sounds like child pornography. I NEED ME SOME KITTIE PICS!

I don't know if you've ever been to a sexy lumberjack party... but this theme is like, hella difficult! Plaid and flannel are just not sexy! There are those who find lumberjacks sexy, don't get me wrong, but I've never been one who did or understood those who did. I came up with this outfit a while back, but when consulting my friends, telling them I was going to wear a plaid shirt over a dress, the unanimous answer was a resounding "No".
Well, I guess I forgot to mention that this dress has KITTIES on it! Which, you know, means everything matches with it. Well, this day was warmish and it was "outweek" at school and I decided I'd "celebrate" this event by wearing that most dread, yet most gay of patterns...plaid.
Sorry, not sorry for the gpoy at the end. That pseudo pomp on my head there is just too much to not show you! And I look purdy too, so, ya know....

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