Monday, May 7, 2012

Androgynous hipster guy

Well, this outfit was inspired by my insatiable urge to wear my royal blue blazer with my navy blue pants and a white shirt. A combo I have regrettably already worn and will probably wear again. I hate re-wearing outfits. I absolutely LOVE re-wearing clothes, but not outfits.
As I watched a friend scroll through my entire blog in 2 minutes without reading my descriptions, I realized most people visiting my blog are probably not reading the stuff I type around the pictures.(i love my friend and am flattered that after those 2 min. she turned to ask if that was all. I only started this 2 monthes ago give me a break!) It is a shame no one reads my comments because I am clearly a clever, witty comic genius. They are missing out and I will spend the rest of this post talking nonsense cuz, hey! no one reads it anyway! Oohpa!
Pinapple penguins slept in the pond before sunrise. Titles escaped the gold embossing to become antique. I love thinking of random words, but putting them in sentences together to make sense is harder. Panties. Such an awkward word. Probs cuz only my grandmother and UO and every critic of the navajo panties uses the word. Seriously, did no one else feel awkward reading about that minor scandal just b/c of "panties"? I think American Apparel calls them panties too. They would. FUCKING UNDERWEAR OR UNDIES, HOW HARD IS THAT? Doesn't that pic look like I'm pooping a glowing red thing? I took other pics to correct it, but alas, my swagger was strongest in this one. and I just spent a paragraph talking about panties, so why not? OH YOLO.
Oh hot dang girl, bite that lip. sexxxay! The shirt is my club's motto! Aren't we the cutest?!

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