Sunday, March 18, 2012

Yep, I know it's ridiculous

Yes, this is a leopard faux fur vest that my mom got for me, insisting that it was what was "in" and she saw them everywhere . While at home I wore it around the house with my pyjamas, ya know, in true trailer trash fashion, which only made the rest of my family laugh and my mom unhappy. I brought it along with me to college just to humor her. Well, whadayaknow if I haven't worn it twice already. The first time was part of an outfit I called "Russian oil baron's girlfriend", but everyone just told me I looked classy... and they weren't just being nice. I think this is when I realized it doesn't take much to impress people on this campus.
There wasn't really a theme for this outfit, I just saw the red pants, leopard jacket combo on the fall runways (again, I forget the designer, isabel murant?) and then paired it with THIS SHIRT- if I coulda put that in sparkly pink letters I would have. I FREAKING LOVE THIS SHIRT.

So this shirt is another one of my DIY/clothing mod projects. I was skeptical of it working out since I knew the minute I cut the shoulders out of this basic mens gym tee (so soft!) that the material around my boobs was going to sag. That is why I thought if I did THIS it would make everything tight and wonderful, perfect.

While it does look cool. It didn't really work for what I wanted it to. I ended up having to dart the excess fabric near my boobs and I thought it looked weird, but my friends insisted it didn't (they're so nice!). I've never done that before, but I might think about doing it more in the future. While it's def not perfect, you can hardly notice the imperfections at first glance, which is all I ask for. BUT DOESN'T THAT NECKLINE LOOK BANGIN' WITH MY HEFTY SWIMMER SHOULDERS?! HELLZ YES!

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