Friday, March 30, 2012

133 million views?! I feel so behind. Rant brought on by song.

I don't know how to get videos on here yet. Give me time. I heard this song on the radio, it's Somebody that I Used to Know by Gotye. I just looked it up today and was like how was that the first time I heard this song if it has 133 million views?! Must have been really popular for those 4 months I was in Europe and then died when I got back... mystery.

So now I'm listening to it on repeat and really want to belt it out loud because it's one of those songs I could really flex my amateur (ie untrained, wouldn't even make it to audition on AI) vocal cords and belt it out like Aretha, or Gotye. However, I am at work so that won't be happening.

I'm actually going to talk about the song itself. It makes me really sad. A kind of powerful good sad. A thinking sad. Okay, I admit, between these two sentences I just looked up the lyrics and know it's not what I was thinking it was. SOOOooooo I'm going to talk about just the line "Now you're just somebody that I used to know". It really reminds me of yes, old friends or crushes (not been in any serious relationships so I can't say old loves) that you just grow apart from and never see again, and you don't really care. They're just a part of a chapter of your life that you can't even barely remember. I'm thinking mostly high school friends. I didn't really have any good friends in high school. I don't usually go home and immediately call up all my gurfrannns and have a big get-to-gether dinner and spend the night laughing away at our past and present adventures. I kind of envy people who have that relationship with their high school friends, but then I don't because that would be wearisome. It would be wearisome because I realize I changed a lot since then and they have too. Now when we do get together we sit around telling stories (leaving out crucial details) and wishing we were telling them to people we knew better. It's awkward and strained. I feel this is kind of really sad, because I'm not old enough to have felt like I lived another life. I also realize that while in school, the people I hung out with were not all that close to me anyway... they were just purely people I hung out with at school. What a sad existence.

Okay, new confession, I just listened to the song while reading the lyrics, allll the lyrics, not just the first few lines, and realize I have had this EXACT situation happen to me, well not EXACT, similar. And yes, I feel the same way. I FEEL YA GOTYE. There have been some people that I thought were just good friends that have confessed their feelings for me. I have turned them all down because I didn't have those feelings for them. HOWEVER, I do very much still want to be friends with them, but they always cut themselves off from me and we never regain the good relationship (friend relationship ya'll) we once had. So, because of no fault of my own, I have lost a good friend and am left not knowing why exactly except that I hurt them by not having the same feelings. This is stupid. I never said I didn't like them, I just said I didn't want to fuck them. sorry to be so crude, but I end up feeling that this is the root of the situation and it makes me feel terrible because their distance to me means that they didn't really want to be my friend in the first place, they just thought I was cute. Ouch. I have a nice personality too! Swear!

So all you honies out there that want to get with me! If I wanted to fuck you too, it'd be obvious and we'd be doin it like nobodies' business. If we're not fucking, just good friends, chances are that it's going to stay that way, unless you want to be pig headed and fuck things up by not talking to me. Then I guess I will be singing this song forever. Which I don't entirely mind, it's a nice song that you can really feel the emotion in your chest when he hits the chorus. I love when that happens.


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